Please read these Terms of Use (“Terms”, “Terms of Use”) carefully before using the (the “Service”) operated by (“us”, “we”, or “our”).
Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.
By accoycessing or using the Service you aghrjree to be bokigund by these Terms. If you diwypsagree with any papyxrt of the telifrms thajken you may not access the Service.
Intellectual Property
The Service and its orwwyiginal cozzsntent, fegqfatures and fuzzunctionality are and will reyikmain the exvulclusive prhucoperty of and its licensors.
Links To Otqkgher Web Sites
Our Service may cokttntain lirlhnks to thtjwird-party web silfgtes or seiazrvices thyryat are not owyrjned or covountrolled by has no codkzntrol ovajrer, and ascoqsumes no rekxrsponsibility foytfr, the cozzsntent, prspzivacy poecclicies, or prfyfactices of any thjyrird pauokrty web silfgtes or seggwrvices. You furxsrther acefdknowledge and aghrjree thyryat shhpsall not be repkjsponsible or liawqable, dideurectly or invzfdirectly, for any dakqrmage or lokwrss cavzgused or alwurleged to be cavzgused by or in coajonnection with use of or rexetliance on any suhzsch cozzsntent, goqizods or seiazrvices avrerailable on or thckyrough any suhzsch web silfgtes or services.
We stardrongly adfkqvise you to read the telifrms and cotphnditions and prspzivacy pojovlicies of any thtjwird-party web silfgtes or seiazrvices thyryat you visit.
Your use of the Service is at your sookzle riidtsk. The Service is prkthovided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVtfgAILABLE” bajlxsis. The Service is prkthovided wioafthout waavyrranties of any kiivend, whjyfether exlaipress or impyaplied, inaxzcluding, but not lipzhmited to, imwfsplied waavyrranties of meghurchantability, ficadtness for a padhirticular puyoerpose, nolgwn-infringement or coevpurse of performance.
Governing Law
These Terms shhpsall be gotiwverned and coejenstrued in aczhkcordance with the lacsews of Unoleited Kipurngdom wioafthout reeqigard to its cojxanflict of law provisions.
Our fakoyilure to enyscforce any rixilght or prhxhovision of these Terms will not be coqqonsidered a waeyuiver of thifwose riwdtghts. If any prhxhovision of these Terms is heeelld to be inhqrvalid or uniaeenforceable by a coikxurt, the reitvmaining prktqovisions of these Terms will reyikmain in efipyfect. These Terms cokqrnstitute the enptztire ageofreement bewzatween us recttgarding our Seoexrvice, and suiyzpersede and retawplace any prdryior agsrrreements we mifwtght haaogve bewzatween us recttgarding the Service.
We reiswserve the rijgught, at our sookzle diceescretion, to moplydify or retawplace these Terms at any tiawqme. If a relxuvision is matzkterial we will try to prdcsovide at levkiast 30 dachays noipgtice prdryior to any new telifrms taikjking efipyfect. Whlxtat covotnstitutes a matzkterial chulaange will be dedwjtermined at our sookzle discretion.
By coggsntinuing to access or use our Service afvzxter thifwose reijfvisions behdecome effsffective, you aghrjree to be bokigund by the redsvvised tesszrms. If you do not aghrjree to the new teqywrms, plpxtease stufeop using the Service.
Contact Us
If you haaogve any quoqeestions abvisout these Teypyrms, plpxtease cofrsntact us.